Starting A Nonprofit Organization in Connecticut
Welcome to the registration and compliance page for Connecticut nonprofit organizations. Below you will find information on initial filings required when starting a nonprofit organization in Connecticut, annual filing requirements for existing organizations, and employment filings for nonprofits with employees. This page also contains a link to the relevant nonprofit statute for the State of Connecticut.
Starting a Nonprofit Organization in Connecticut: Initial Filings
1. To Incorporate in Connecticut
a. Submit the Certificate of Incorporation for a Nonstock Corporation to:
Commercial Recording Division
Connecticut Secretary of the State
PO Box 150470
Hartford, CT 06115-0470
Information: (860) 509-6003
Forms: (860) 509-6079
Fax Request: (860) 509-6069
Web Site:
Filing Fee: $50
Note: The Certificate of Incorporation can be completed online.
b. Within 30 days of holding the corporation's initial board meeting, submit the Organization and First Report to:
Commercial Recording Division
Connecticut Secretary of the State
PO Box 150470
Hartford, CT 06115-0470
Information: (860) 509-6003
Forms: (860) 509-6079
Fax Request: (860) 509-6069
Web Site:
Filing Fee: $50
3. To Obtain Connecticut Income Tax Exemption
Register with the Connecticut Department of Revenue Services and obtain Corporation Business Tax Exemption by submitting Form REG-1 (Business Taxes Registration Application) with a copy of the IRS determination letter to:
Department of Revenue Services
PO Box 2937
Hartford, CT 06104-2937
Information: (860) 297-5962
Forms: (860) 297-4753
Web Site:
Filing Fee: $0
Note: Registration can be completed online.
4. To Obtain Connecticut Sales and Use Tax Exemption
For each vendor with which the corporation does business, submit Form CERT-119, along with a copy of the IRS determination letter at the time of purchase.
Information: (860) 297-5962
Web Site:
Filing Fee: $0
Notes: For repeat purchases with a given vendor, CERT-119 may be filed as a "Blanket Certificate" with that vendor. Blanket Certificates are valid
for three years.
An exempt organization must pay for its exempt purchases by a check drawn on its checking account or by a credit card issued in its name. Only
purchases of $10 or less may be made with cash from the organization's funds.
Blanket Certificates may not be used for cash purchases. For cash purchases a new CERT-119 must be completed.
5. To Register with the Connecticut Attorney General
Submit initial Charitable Organization Registration Application and a copy of the most recently completed IRS Form 990, 990EZ or 990PF to:
Public Charities Unit
Department of Consumer Protection
165 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1630
Information: (860) 713-6170
Web Site:
Filing Fee: $50
Notes: The above must be submitted prior to the commencement of solicitation and may be completed online. For a list of possible exemptions, refer to the Attorney General's website regarding charitable solicitation registration.
If the organization hires a "Paid Solicitor", the organization and the Paid Solicitor must jointly file a notice of intent to solicit no less than
20 days prior to the start of each separate fund-raising campaign and must file a financial report at the conclusion of each campaign.
If gross receipts over $500,000, provide complete audit.
Annual Filings for Connecticut Nonprofit Organizations
1. Connecticut Secretary of State
Form: Annual Report
Due Date: By last day of anniversary month of incorporation/registration
Information: (860) 509-6003
Web Site:
Filing Fee: $50
Note: As of January 1st, 2012, all Annual Reports must be filed online.
3. Connecticut Attorney General
Form: Charitable Organization Renewal Form and copy of IRS Form 990, 990-EZ or 990-PF
Due Date: 11 months after end of fiscal year (i.e. November 30 for fiscal years ending December 31)
State of Connecticut
Department of Consumer Protection
Public Charities
165 Capitol Ave.
Hartford, CT 06106
Information: (860) 713-6170
Web Site:
Filing Fee: $50
Note: Extensions are not permitted, there is a late fee of $25 for each month past expiration date, and reinstatement is required if renewal exceeds 65 days after renewal date.
Renewal may be completed online.
If gross receipts over $1,000,000, provide complete audit.
If gross receipts over $500,000, provide review audit.
For more information, refer to the registration frequently asked questions.
Connecticut Employment Filings
If the organization will have employees, the following filings are required:
1. To Register with the Connecticut Department of Labor
Complete the Employer Status Report (Form UC-1-NP) online.
Connecticut Department of Labor
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
Information: 860-263-6000
Web Site:
Note: For more information, refer to the Department of Labor's guide for employers:
2. To Register for Income Tax Withholding
If the organization has not already added withholding tax as a part of its registration with the Connecticut Department of Revenue Services, it may add withholding tax to the existing registration by telephoning the Department's Registration Maintenance Unit during business hours (weekdays, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.) at 860-297-4874.
Department of Revenue Services
PO Box 2937
Hartford, CT 06104-2937
Information: (860) 297-5962
Forms: (860) 297-4753
Web Site:
Click here for Connecticut state statute information.